RWTH Aachen
The RWTH, as an integrated interdisciplinary university, is one of the leading technical universities in Europe and is supported by the Excellence Initiative of the Federal Government and the States. As the third-largest university in Germany in terms of third-party funding, RWTH is involved in almost all technological and societal transformation processes in research, teaching, and implementation. Currently, nearly 15,000 foreign individuals from 138 countries study, research, teach, and work at RWTH. The university's lived internationality is complemented by strategies, measures, and services to promote internationality in study, teaching, and research. As part of the Aachen startup region, the RWTH Innovation Entrepreneurship Center supports students and researchers interested in founding companies with comprehensive advisory services.
On the part of RWTH, the following institutes are involved in the project:
In collaboration with FZJ, RWTH (CVT) engages in fundamental research in the field of DAC (Direct Air Capture). Additionally, RWTH undertakes the analysis of technology transfer (TIME) as well as the analysis of cost structures and value chains (Controlling). RWTH (TME) supports FEV in developing new models for system control.